ACSOL’s upcoming meeting in San Diego is as follows
Saturday, August 11
10 am
350 Cedar Street
Lecture Hall #2
San Diego, CA 92101
Registrants, friends and family and interested service providers are invited to attend these free meetings. There will be no law enforcement or media present in order to protect everyone’s privacy.
The meetings start at 10 am and last about 2-3 hours. Topics of conversation include information about ACSOL’s advocacy as well as current topics and pending legal action.
Please Show up, Stand up, and Speak up!
We look forward to sharing information with folks in San Diego regarding the four positive court decisions issued in the last 10 days! We will also provide an update regarding the Tiered Registry law and the need to change it so that people convicted of offenses involving “child” pornography are moved from Tier 3 to Tiers 1 and 2 which is consistent with federal guidelines. Finally, we look forward to hearing from you and your family members regarding challenges you are facing. Hope to see you there!